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Library Work Study Training Guide

This guide is designed to help train library work study students.



ClioWeb is the program that sends received articles to the server and makes them available to patrons in their ClioWeb accounts. Kenny has authorization to send articles to the server. Please ask him if a patron has a question or problem retrieving their article.


Setting Up My Account

My Account allows users to see all items they have ordered through Worldcat and what the status of the item is.  It also allows for patrons to renew their own books and other loanable materials, without having to ask the ILL staff to renew them.  This feature is very useful for patrons who will be ordering multiple items throughout the semester.

How to set up My Account:

1.  Click on My Account tab at the top right.  Go to new user registration.

2.  Set up user name- first and last name are easiest to use and easiest for patron to remember.

3.  Set up password- user may choose any password they want.

4.  Fill in other mandatory fields and click on register.

The user must be logged into My Account when ordering items or they will have to put all of their user information in after ordering the item.