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Roman Republic and Empire

Books and ebooks

Books are in-depth, subject-specific writing about a particular time period, event, person, or phenomenon. They combine background information with analysis of primary and secondary sources. In short, they are a very valuable resource for history papers.

The CSU-Pueblo Library owns thousands of history books and ebooks. But if we don't have what you're looking for, you may be able to request it from another library. 

Scholarly articles

Scholarly articles, unlike books, are very narrowly focused. They do not provide much background information or a comprehensive picture of an issue or event. Historians working on a single project will produce several articles as they go along. Therefore they are very useful for understanding how historians examine evidence, formulate theories, and draw conclusions.

One of the most useful elements of a scholarly article is its list of references. This shows you where to find the primary and secondary sources the historian used.

New books and monographs