Items in the University Library are organized by category letters (like D for World History, or Q for Science), which are arranged alphabetically. Within each category, items are further sorted by their specific call numbers (think of it like an address). Look for the category letter first, then the call number on the spine or cover to find what you need. These categories or call numbers are usually placed either on the book's spine or front cover.
The Library of Congress Classification
Library of Congress Call Number for the book Salem Possessed: The Social Origins of Witchcraft is: BF1576 .B79 2003. When you locate the book the call numbers appear:
The First Line Describes the Subject
The first letter indicates a vast subject area, which becomes more focused by adding a second and possibly a third letter.
BF -- The broad subject is: Psychology
The Second and Third Lines Describes the Topic and Sub-Topic
The second line of a call number can be a whole number, anywhere from 1 to 9999, but if it has a decimal, it further defines the topic. The third line starts with a decimal point, then a letter, and then another number. The letters on this line are in alphabetical order, and the number after the letter is read like a decimal.
1576 .B79 -- The main topic and subtopic focus on: Witchcraft
The Fourth Line Displays the Year of Publication
Publication dates are shelved in chronological order.
2003 -- This book was published in 2003
If there is a Fifth (or Last) Line it Displays a Volume or Copy Number
If a call number has a fifth (or final) line, it indicates a specific volume or copy. For example, "vol. 1" means volume one, and "c. 1" means copy one. These volumes or copies are arranged in chronological order.
This sign will help you find where items are located in the University Library, based on their call numbers.