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*Art Research

Updated 8/25/2021

SuperSearch FAQ

What resources does the CSU-Pueblo Library have? 
The CSU-Pueblo Library has electronic access to millions of scholarly articles, conference proceedings, technical reports, magazine and newspaper articles, streaming videos, ebooks, and primary sources. The Library also has a large collection of print books, journals, magazines, newspapers, and maps.

What can I find in SuperSearch? 
SuperSearch is the Library’s discovery search. You can use it to locate books and ebooks, print journals, electronic journals, and magazines.

What isn’t in SuperSearch? 
Only a fraction of the Library’s electronic resources (scholarly articles, conference proceedings, reports, primary sources) appear in SuperSearch. 

So, how do I find scholarly articles? 
You can get complete access to the Library’s electronic resources by searching the right database. Databases are subject-specific collections of scholarly articles and other publications. 

Read the searching databases section for more information.

How do I use SuperSearch?

Limiting search results in SuperSearch

After you type your search terms into the SuperSearch box, you can narrow your results using the options on the left. Here is how they work: 

Sort by: Organize results by relevance, date, author, or title

Source type: Limit to specific types of resources 

Publication date: Narrow the date range 

Subject: Limit to specific subject headings

Author/Creator: Limit to specific authors

Library: Choose from the CSU-Pueblo Library or the Ft. Collins Libraries (Morgan and Vet)

Collection: Narrow your sources by where they are stored in the library 

Language: Select a language

Classification LCC: Narrow to a call number range

You can also use the Personalize button at the very top of your search results to limit by discipline.


Understanding search results in SuperSearch

Click on a search result for a detailed view. Here are the options for what you'll see next:

View Online: If the item is available electronically, you'll see one or more links to access it.

Find it in Print: If the item is available for checkout, you'll see its location and call number, and current status.

Details: Find the item's title, author, subject headings, description, and publication information.

Send To: Quick links to grab the item's citation (APA, MLA, or Chicago style), or options to print or email this page.