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Composition classes: ENG 101/102

This guide supports library instruction in Composition classes: ENG 101, and 102

Library 3-2-1 Survey

What's in this guide?

Students: Use the guide to practice some of the techniques useful in doing research in a library.

Instructors: This guide contains many topics that can be combined in a library instruction session. Browse this site to get a sense of what librarians can teach in a class, and use to reinforce library instruction.

Popular, Professional, and Scholarly Sources

Finding Scholarly Sources

There library has access to many different databases that specialize in scholarly and academic sources. The best database for your research depends on the topic you're researching. But these databases are a good place to look for scholarly sources in a variety of disciplines. Take a look at the research guides for subject specific suggestions from the subject librarians.

Finding Background Information

Background information, also called reference or tertiary information, provides an overview of a topic area.  The library has several reference databases that can help you to narrow down your specific topic by providing an overview of it, and highlighting specific areas or controversial aspects that you can pursue by searching for popular, scholarly, or professional articles in Super Search or other databases,